toothbrush care tips from dentist

Tips From Your Dentist – Toothbrush Care 101

Brushing one’s teeth  is the fundamental component of dental hygiene. As such, it is important to properly care for the main tool used in your oral hygiene habits: your toothbrush. Unfortunately, most people don’t know how to keep their toothbrush clean and effective. Read on for our simple tips on toothbrush care and maintenance.

Storing Suggestions

Proper storage of your toothbrush keeps it sanitized and in good condition. Below are the basic tips to adhere to:

Keep Upright and Vertical: Ensure that you store your toothbrush in a vertical position to keep it from  touching other surfaces. This helps prevent cross-contamination; when germs and bacteria transfer from one object to another.

Store in a Ventilated Area: It’s best to keep your toothbrush in an aerated space so that it can dry between uses. Microorganisms love moist, contained environments, so keeping it in open air  helps prevent the growth of bacteria.

Protect from Harmful Microorganisms: Bacteria and particles spread every time you flush a toilet. To avoid these microorganisms from landing on your toothbrush during toilet flushing, store your toothbrush somewhere out of reach such as in a medicine cabinet or under your bathroom sink.

Replacement Guidelines

Since we use our toothbrush on a routine basis, it’s no wonder that bristles can become frayed, worn out, and ultimately less effective. Not to mention, the build up of bacteria  from using the same toothbrush twice a day everyday. Due to these factors, the American Dental Association recommends that a toothbrush be replaced at least once every 3-4 months.

We encourage our patients to follow these easy toothbrush  maintenance tips to ensure a clean and effective toothbrush that will lead to healthy and beautiful smiles. If you have any questions, or would like to schedule an appointment with us, contact us today!

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